The Previnter Board of Directors

Executive Committee and Directors:
Chairing company: the CREDIT AGRICOLE SA Group represented by Mr. Thierry HONTABAT
Treasurer: the SAFRAN Group represented by Mr. Vincent CAIRE
Secretary: the INSEAD institute represented by Ms. Maude GAUTIER-JARJAVAL
The ORANO Group represented by Ms. Ersida AGO
The ASSYSTEM Group represented by Ms. Stéphanie BASSET
The BOLLORE Group represented by Ms. Candice CHAUVE
The DANONE Group represented by Mr. Axel DE BILLY
The ESSILORLUXOTTICA Group represented by Mr. Simon LECHANTRE
The ITER Organization represented by Ms. Sophie GOUROD
The L’OREAL Group represented by Ms. Iris DIAS
The SAINT-GOBAIN Group represented by Ms. Soizic LE BOURVELLEC
The VEOLIA Group represented by Mr. Jean-Yves JOUAN-AUZEBY
Your right to participate
As a member company, you can get directly involved in the organization of the association and give your views on development paths. In particular, you can attend the Annual General Meeting.
Chairing company: the CREDIT AGRICOLE SA Group represented by Mr. Thierry HONTABAT
Treasurer: the SAFRAN Group represented by Mr. Vincent CAIRE
Secretary: the INSEAD institute represented by Ms. Maude GAUTIER-JARJAVAL
The ORANO Group represented by Ms. Ersida AGO
The ASSYSTEM Group represented by Ms. Stéphanie BASSET
The BOLLORE Group represented by Ms. Candice CHAUVE
The DANONE Group represented by Mr. Axel DE BILLY
The ESSILORLUXOTTICA Group represented by Mr. Simon LECHANTRE
The ITER Organization represented by Ms. Sophie GOUROD
The L’OREAL Group represented by Ms. Iris DIAS
The SAINT-GOBAIN Group represented by Ms. Soizic LE BOURVELLEC
The VEOLIA Group represented by Mr. Jean-Yves JOUAN-AUZEBY
Your right to participate
As a member company, you can get directly involved in the organization of the association and give your views on development paths. In particular, you can attend the Annual General Meeting.